Succinct review of Obamacare.

“Let me get this straight.  We’re going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn’t read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke.

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Tort reform as Health Care reform?

My brother-in-law had to have a double heart catheterization yesterday.  He has to have at least one a year since his heart transplant.  Besides spending more than 15 hours there,  he was allowed to leave the hospital only after:

– I signed a discharge form, since he had been mildly sedated during the procedure.
– The nurse read an extremely long list of “do’s” and “don’ts” to him.
– He and I acknowledged the list.

…which took some 15 minutes or so.  My brother-in-law and I then headed down the elevator and then toward the garage.  The same nurse came running up, breathless, to recite a forgotten part of her script before we got out of the building.  We left the 5th floor, crossed a large lobby and walked down a long hallway before she caught up to us.
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Why?  Because hospitals and doctors, nurses, aids, janitors, etc. are sued every day for every form of supposed infraction.  Who pays for these lawsuits?  Of course in the end, we all do.  However, those “greedy” insurance companies are first in line to pay,  not that I’m a big fan of insurance companies.  There are certainly many things that need fixed in that industry, but it’s hard to lay the blame for this insane desire of our elected officials to control your health care completely at their feet.

I won’t go into the rigamarole he had to go through **while he was in the O.R.** the last time he had one of these, all in the name of helping prevent lawsuits… (think recorded disclaimers, ad-infinitum)

Wanna help control health care costs?  Spend some effort focusing on the insane number of lawsuits that are filed each second of every day.  Will that “fix” health care in America all by itself?  No.  But imagine what a difference it could make.

Let’s talk Political agendas…

The President, while attempting to help save the Mass. Senate seat from a loss to (gasp!) the Republican candidate, yesterday said of Scott Brown that “It’s hard to suggest he’s going to be significantly independent from the Republican agenda,”

He was kidding right?

Of course it’s obvious that he and his Congressional cronies have absolutely no agenda, right? Sorry contestant, that would be incorrect!

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The hypocrisy of our Socialist POTUS and Congress is un-paralleled and this desperation move simply continues to cement that as fact.  I believe the public has begun to see these hypocrites for what they are and I’m truly hoping that they demonstrate it on Tuesday.

If anyone has an agenda, it’s without a doubt the President and his buddies over in the Capitol.  Focusing attention on someone else to distract from your own crimes doesn’t change that fact that you committed ’em.

Raise your hand…

if you think that Congress even remotely represents the people who put them there?  I just pray that the American public remembers the complete lack of interest these bozos have in our interests, and VOTES THEM OUT as soon as humanly possible.

Honestly, have you ever seen such a total disregard for the will of the people?  (Rhetorical question follows) What happened to “BY the people, FOR the people…” ?  Clearly these jokers don’t give a crap about what you and I want.
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As far as the political timelines go, November 2010 can’t come soon enough…followed by the 2012 voting season…

Continuing Congressional skullduggery…

Emphasizing a point or two from my previous post, a friend provided some very informative links:

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In a nutshell, these criminals are so acutely aware that what they’re doing is illegal and unwanted, they inserted language into the Obamacare bill that ensures their handiwork won’t be changed in the future.  I shouldn’t be surprised, but somehow it still takes my breath away…

Arent’cha glad to have this gang of thieves looking out for your best interests?

Thanks to Sean for the links!

Congratulations, Congress…

You’ve just successfully:

  • Ignored the *vast* (did I mention *vast*?) majority of tax-paying American citizens.
  • Passed a bill that was largely unknown in detail (to both sides of the aisle) until released late Saturday night.
  • Forced passage of a bill *neither* side likes. Reasons differ, but the fact remains…
  • Passed a bill with myriad un-Constitutional provisions.
  • Passed a bill whose financial scope is unprecedented, while claiming that it will eliminate the already-enormous deficit.
  • Passed a bill that even the Congressional Budget Office claims is outrageously overpriced and over-hyped.
  • Squelched *every* Conservative attempt at amendment.
  • Voted to create the single largest Socialist construct in American history.
  • Lied about and obscured what you were doing to the American public every step of the way.
  • Voted to leave a legacy of deficit spending and unprecedented government control to our children and their children…
  • Forced me to help pay for abortions, which I vehemently oppose.

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Great job, Congress.  ‘Don’t know what we’d do without ye… Oh wait, I do know what we’d do without you. We’d live free of the kind of intrusive, controlling, deceiving crap you daily force on the American public, who foolishly put you into power.

Great job, Congress.  May God continue to bless a nation so intent on ignoring Him.

Hard to say it any better than this…

The following is an excellent assessment of America’s situation in Afghanistan. Agree or no, it at least provides a concise collation of outrageous events there and elsewhere in the world.

It’s Time to Surrender in Afghanistan

By Michael Filozof

It’s time to surrender in Afghanistan. Yep, that’s right. Surrender.

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Let’s sign a document of surrender, apologize for our “aggression,” withdraw the troops, and let Osama and the Taliban have a ticker-tape parade in the streets of Kabul before they force women back into their burkas, outlaw education for girls, and start executing homosexuals and Christians again.
It might sound a bit odd for me to make such an outrageous proposal. After all, I’m a hawkish, pro-military conservative, and I’ve been a lifelong adherent of the “nuke ’em ’til they glow” school of foreign policy. But I say we should surrender because the facts are plain: we have already surrendered in deed, if not in name.
On December 7, 1941, we were attacked by a fanatical, suicidal, non-democratic, non-Western enemy who had a disciplined, motivated, state-of-the art military. The attack killed some 2,000 uniformed military personnel on what was then a territorial outpost.
Our response was to conscript 12 million people into our armed forces, detain all members of the enemy’s race for the duration of the war, defeat the enemy in less than four years by using nuclear weapons against his cities, and maintain a military presence in the enemy’s nation for the next 65 years after his defeat.
On September 11, 2001, we were again attacked by a fanatical, suicidal, non-democratic, non-Western enemy. The enemy had no disciplined military. He employed only improvised and primitive methods of war. The Islamist militants killed 3,000 people, mostly civilians, in New York and Washington, the economic and political capitals of our nation. We identified stone-age Afghanistan as the origin of the attacks.
Our response was to send a few thousand volunteers to Afghanistan. Eight years later, we have failed to defeat Afghan militants that are largely illiterate and have no uniforms, no tanks, no ships, no aircraft, no satellites, and no armored vehicles. They are equipped only with Communist-designed rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and improvised explosives.
Our problem is not tactical inferiority, but a lack of political will and a surfeit of political correctness. Following the 9/11 attack, President Bush declared that “Islam is a religion of peace.” Try to imagine for a moment that FDR held a press conference on Dec. 8, 1941, to declare that “Japan is a nation of peace.” You can’t.
At this point it’s not even true that Afghanistan is the still the primary locus of Islamic terrorism. Iran has been pursuing nuclear weapons for years. Pakistan — already armed with nuclear weapons, and probably harboring Osama bin Laden — could become unglued at any moment.
Yet our political pusillanimity has only gotten worse in the eight years since 9/11. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t outdo ourselves in craven groveling and self-debasement before the enemy.
One of President Obama’s first acts in office was to ban the phrase “war on terror” in favor of “overseas contingency operations” in government usage. He then traveled to Cairo, declared that he had “known Islam on three continents,” and falsely claimed that Muslims had “enriched the United States” since its founding and that Islam has a “proud tradition of tolerance.” (Perhaps he might ask the folks at Cantor Fitzgerald and United Airlines about Islamic “enrichment” and “tolerance.”) He then apologized for American involvement in a coup against Iranian socialist Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 (a brilliant masterstroke of American foreign policy that kept both the Soviets and the Islamists out of Iran for 26 years), yet stood idly by while the Iranian theocrats rigged their own election this summer. It’s now evident that Obama will not prevent the Islamic Revolutionary State from getting nuclear weapons. There will be no military action — and no sanctions, either. Iran will get the bomb.
In October, only a week after Islamist militants stormed the headquarters of the Pakistani military, Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Pakistan. The radical Yale-educated feminist donned a headscarf in submission — and the Islamist fanatics responded to her visit by killing hundreds in suicide attacks.
We have reached a point in Afghanistan that the Soviet Union reached in the 1980s: we no longer believe our own propaganda. The Soviets claimed that they lived in a workers’ paradise and they were merely bringing the great benefits of communism to Afghanistan. But they knew it was a lie.
Similarly, we say that we’re going to bring freedom and democracy to Afghanistan. Maybe we could, of course — if we wanted to. But we don’t. That would require remaking Afghan society the way we remade Japanese society. And President Obama campaigned on the promise of remaking America — not Afghanistan.
This summer, the president stated that he’s “not comfortable” using the term “victory” in Afghanistan. How can he possibly ask troops to risk life and limb in that country after saying that? His subsequent three-month indecision with regard to the Army’s request for 40,000 more troops further betrays the fact that we’re simply not committed to victory. One can scarcely comprehend FDR openly debating, in full view of Hitler and the world, a request for reinforcements during the Battle of the Bulge.
The assassination of thirteen American troops at Ft. Hood by a Muslim officer in the U.S. Army is the last straw. Despite the overwhelming evidence, our political and military leaders refuse to acknowledge that Maj. Hasan was motivated by militant Islamist ideology. President Obama believes that Hasan just “snapped” from the stress of military life. Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano told an Arab audience that she hopes the assassinations at Ft. Hood don’t lead to reprisals against Muslims in the U.S.
And Gen. George Casey — unbelievably — actually said that if “diversity” in the military were to suffer, it would be an even greater tragedy than the Ft. Hood murders.
If political correctness makes us unwilling or unable to defeat militant Islam from within the officer corps of the U.S. Army at Ft. Hood, Texas, then it’s perfectly evident that we’re not going to defeat militant Islam in Afghanistan after eight years of trying.
The enemy has not defeated us in battle. They can’t. But the Ft. Hood assassinations show that we’ve already surrendered. There’s no sense putting our troops in harm’s way in the field if we won’t protect them in Texas.

Page Printed from: at November 13, 2009 – 11:05:23 AM EST

Wanna know what I think? Just check my bumper…

I have a fairly long commute, which gives me time to look at how people present themselves via their cars.  While I won’t pretend my observations are remotely scientific, one thing definitely stands out:  Liberals tend to be much more “vocal” by way of automobile adornments than (apparently) Conservatives.

Now, it’s clear that the lack of observable vehicular text doesn’t automatically suggest that those folks are of the Conservative, Communist, Socialist or any other persuasion.  Still, the prevalence of Liberal-minded bumper stickers does suggest that people of that mind tend to be more likely to post their beliefs on their commuter-carriages.

My wife and I were driving  home last weekend when we stopped behind a vehicle that was totally littered with Liberal stickers, trashing virtually anything that could be considered “traditional”, including religion, conservatism, etc.  What really caught my attention were two in particular.

The first said “I think, therefore I’m Liberal“.  The second one read “If you can’t trust a woman with a choice, how can you trust them with a baby?“.
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I’m still trying to find the logic in the second one.  It doesn’t make any sense, particularly in context of the point they were supposedly making.  What made this more amusing to me was the first in conjunction with the second.  This individual was making the case that they’re intelligent, simply because they’re Liberal yet the following bumper sticker made no real sense at all.

All those other stickers just enhanced my impression that this person was in fact, not remotely intelligent.  I often find that those who make the loudest noise about something are the ones least to be trusted about that subject.  Loudly proclaiming their intelligence just served to call it into question.

What a great impression that one made.  If I were a “thinking” liberal, that’s not the kind of advertisement I’d want.

Don’t give the battle away…

Please read this from Pennsylvania Congressman Tim Murphy.  It contains a lot of important information related to just how far the Democrats (Autocrats?) are willing to go in the fight for government-controlled healthcare.  Note that the links in the text do not work.

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Last Wednesday, the Energy and Commerce Committee in the House, one of the two main committees drafting the Democrat-led health care “reform” bill, completed work on their version which includes the government-run “public option.”

Despite overflowing town halls across the country with millions of voices speaking up against the bill, the Senate now writing their own bill without a public option and even President Obama backing away from the government take-over of health care earlier this month, House Democrat Committee Chairman Henry Waxman continues to press on. The fine print maybe changing, but the over-arching goal of a government take-over remains the same.

The Blue Dog Democrats, the so-called “conservative” Democrats who are the coalition likely to define what “reform” looks like in the final version of the bill, are now being picked off one by one by Waxman and in return, allowed them to amend the legislation with more add-on’s, like insurance mandates and regulations.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned up the pressure on House Democrats this week to quickly complete work on the revised version of the health care “reform” bill, so that the Senate’s version (without the public option so thoroughly rejected by the American public) would not dominate the media cycle and direction of the debate. Pelosi is demanding passage by the end of this week.

Many believe, depending on the wording of the public option, that she doesn’t have sufficient votes to pass it.

Pelosi has indicated she will “go as far left as possible” with the House version, which includes her top priority of having a government run “public option” and an income surtax in order to help pay for the multi-trillion dollar piece of legislation. Embattled Congressman and Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Charles Rangel is championing the tax hike in Congress as “the best way to pay for health care.”

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The approach by Speaker Pelosi and liberal Democrats in the House is still the same: more mandates and government bureaucracy in a bill that millions of Americans have already strongly voiced their opposition too. I see it first hand every day in letters, calls, meetings and emails from my own constituents, as well as at a Town Hall meeting I held in Westmoreland County back in August.

It is very difficult for me to understand, as it probably is for you, how Chairman Waxman and Speaker Pelosi intend to make health care cheaper by tacking on more mandates, regulations, bureaucracy, inefficiencies and red tape. The answer is that we can’t.

In the coming days, as the debate over health care “reform” continues in Washington , you can count on me to keep fighting against any government-run “public option,” massive tax hikes, and giant increases in our national debt, which will only burden our children and grandchildren.

Observer-Reporter Editorial

The Washington Observer-Reporter wrote an editorial last week on some of my health care reform ideas outside of a government take-over. Click here to read it.


Congressman Tim Murphy”

Values lost…

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There are lessons to be learned and re-learned here…