I guess I had it all wrong…

More nonsense from Nancy Pelosi and her merry band of thugs…

I was under the impression that free speech was a Constitutionally guaranteed American right.  However, according to some of our Congress-critters, that’s simply not the case.  According to Ms. Pelosi and lapdog Steny Hoyer, if you disagree with the Obamacare debacle at more than a whisper:    You. Are. “Un-American”.

I’m pretty sure that these uninformed bozos don’t have a clue what things were like in the founding fathers’ time.  Shouting and burning foes in effigy was quite common leading up to the revolution and beyond.  I’m also completely sure that without this kind of dissent, America as it came to be, would never have been. Plus, isn’t it a relief that (for the moment) in the USA, you can shout, protest, and burn someone in effigy?  Imagine living somewhere like say, Iran, Iraq or any one of dozens of other places on the globe.

Where were the howls of “Un-American” behavior during the MoveOn.org days or when Acorn sent folks to shout down various town-hall meetings?  I guess it’s ok if you’re shouting down those that disagree with the Socialist-sect…

While I’m in favor of intelligent, considered discussion and dissent, it’s simply re-defining a term to say that protests are Un-American.  It’s yet another attempt to turn the focus *away* from the issue: That Obamacare is a disaster waiting to happen and “real” AMERICANS DON’T WANT IT!  According to this crew, if you’re a 77-year old woman shouting that you don’t want the crap they want to force down your throat, you’re:

a) A terrorist
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b) Un-American

What other new definitions for those that disagree are forthcoming?  Wait for it, ’cause it’s on its way.

Folks, your mandate should be quite simple: Shout at the top of your lungs.  Write your Congressmen.  Fax them.  Email them. Call them. Go to town-hall meetings and let them know you don’t want this junk. Vote out those who promote these things.

Do the truly American thing.